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Getting Started in HF

At SARC's Feb. 12th meeting, about 30 members and guests enjoyed a 75 minute fast-paced presentation titled "Getting Started in HF" given by experienced HFers: Stan VA7NF, Brett VE7GM, Jay VE7KC, Al VE7CDC and John VA7XB. Topics covered the gamut from "why HF?" to basic equipment and its characteristics, cabling and connectors and concluding with a review of shortened, ad hoc and "junk" antenna options for the real-estate challenged members. The presentation was made in response to the request of a few heretofore strictly VHF/UHF members who have expressed a wish to experience the challenges and fun of HF, but needed a helpful nudge to get started.

Stan VA7NF

Brett VE7GM



John VA7XB

You can view the slides at