SARC Events

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Field Day


SARC 2014 Field Day Video

That's How Field Day Goes

The major annual Amateur Radio 24-hour emergency
communications exercise is called Field Day. 

We set up in a field location and function entirely independently
of the grid and commercial infrastructure.
This music video documents our experiences because
"That's How Field Day Goes".

More of our videos? 


CQ WW WPX HA1AG Hungary with VE7SAR

During the CQ World Wide WPX SSB Contest on March 29 - 30, 2014 HA1AG in Hungary made contact with our club station on the 20 meter band. 

You can hear the exchange on YouTube at:

HA1AG is Zoli Pitman near Budapest, Hungary , about 5,500 miles (8,850 Km) away.


Getting Started in HF

At SARC's Feb. 12th meeting, about 30 members and guests enjoyed a 75 minute fast-paced presentation titled "Getting Started in HF" given by experienced HFers: Stan VA7NF, Brett VE7GM, Jay VE7KC, Al VE7CDC and John VA7XB. Topics covered the gamut from "why HF?" to basic equipment and its characteristics, cabling and connectors and concluding with a review of shortened, ad hoc and "junk" antenna options for the real-estate challenged members. The presentation was made in response to the request of a few heretofore strictly VHF/UHF members who have expressed a wish to experience the challenges and fun of HF, but needed a helpful nudge to get started.

Stan VA7NF

Brett VE7GM



John VA7XB

You can view the slides at


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