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The On-line Communicator: July 2017

The Month in Review: JUNE 2017

We do not publish the regular monthly edition of the Communicator in July and August, but it was such an eventful month that a news brief is timely; so here are some news items from the past month to keep you up to date.

The SARC Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held at the EMBC SW PREOC on June 14th. The bylaw amendments related to membership classifications was amended and now everyone who is a member of SARC, licensed or not, may hold office.
Four of eight Director positions were up for renewal as per our 2-year terms. We had 6 candidates for these positions so an election was required. Once the considerable dust settled, the following were elected:

  • John Brodie  VA7XB
  • Robert Fishwick VA7FMR
  • Scott Hawrelak VE7HA
  • John Schouten VE7TI

In keeping with our Constitution and Bylaws, at the Directors meeting on June 28th the following Officers were appointed for the 2017-2018 term.

  • Stan Williams VA7NF - President
  • John Brodie VA7XB - Vice President
  • Scott Hawrelak VE7HA - Treasurer
  • Jeremy Morse VE7TMY - Secretary

The following Directors will also assume portfolios

  • Stan Williams VA7NF - SEPAR Liaison
  • John Brodie VA7XB - OTC Committee Chair
  • John Schouten VE7TI - Communicator Editor
  • Sheldon Ward VA7XNL -  Repeater Manager
  • Robert Fishwick VA7FMR - Net Manager
  • Jeremy Morse  VE7TMY - Interim Webmaster

Your 2017 -  2018 SARC Directors
(absent Bill Gipps VE7XS)

The Operational Training Centre

The OTC was not used for this year's Field Day. Some of the new equipment, purchased as a result of our community grant, and presented by MLA Marvin Hunt, has started to arrive. Included are a sparkling new heavy duty rotator and control box. The Flex radio that was selected is on back-order and may not arrive until fall. Having seen a developmental version at the Seaside, Oregon SEA-PAC HamFest recently, I was impressed. It will be worth waiting for. Watch your email for a request for assistance for an upcoming work party to install the new gear.

Field Day 2017

The sun was shining and, although it was hot, Field Day was a success. On Friday a group of SARC members arrived and raised Big Bertha, complete with the TH-7,  a 40/80 meter long wire antenna, several tents and signage. Sheldon tested the gear on Friday night and the 3  Field Day stations came to life at 11am Saturday morning. We stayed on the air for the full 24-hours despite less than ideal propagation conditions. MLA Marvin Hunt visited the FD site and remained to observe, converse and ask questions. Marvin has been a supporter of Amateur Radio and a solid friend to SARC. 

Many thanks to Nell and Ralph Wrotniak who provided food for the event.

On Sunday we had the fastest take-down ever for SARC. We were done about 90 minutes after going off-air. Although this was staged as a social and emergency preparedness event as opposed to a contest, we nevertheless made over 800 contacts (we're still counting) and several members who do not usually operate at Field Day had an opportunity to do so.
By the way... where were the SARC members who voted for an outdoor Field Day at the SARC general meeting but did not show to lend their support?

Many thanks to all who helped to make this a successful event.

Photos  and video of the event, including some amazing drone clips,
are now on-line through our SARC photo album:

Meetings, The Net and Saturday Coffee

Although they may be informal, all three of the above will continue through the summer. If held, the July and August general meeting dates would be July 12 and August 9th but these will be social gatherings at the OTC instead. We will send out a reminder a few days ahead of time.
The weekly Net will continue through the summer as well, for those able to participate... and please do.
Saturday coffee, always informal, will also continue at 9am at the Kalmar Family Restaurant, 81st and King George Blvd.

Sad News

To close off, we had a friend of SARC pass away this past week. Many of you may remember Tony EI4DIB from our sister club in Ireland. Tony and his wife Madeline made several visits here including a Field Day and last year at the OTC.

Let me know through the summer of any other club related news I may have missed.


John VE7TI
Communicator Editor


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