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SARC Repeater Guide

A How-To For Using VE7RSC

The SARC repeaters are linked together via an ARCOM RC-810 repeater controller. The current configuration as of August 2012 is for both our VHF and UHF repeaters to be linked together allowing for QSOs to span across the VHF and UHF repeaters. For example: All traffic on the VHF repeater is heard on the UHF repeater and vice versa. In this configuration both repeaters are connected to IRLP node 1736. If a scenario of high traffic was to arise in which both repeaters are needed for separate use, they can be disconnected with the VHF repeater remaining connected to IRLP node 1736 and the UHF repeater connected to node 1737.
To properly understand our repeater system, It’s important to distinguish the features of the ARCOM controller and the features of the IRLP nodes:
The ARCOM Controller provides:
  •  Flexible Linking between VHF, UHF repeaters, and the two IRLP nodes.
  •  Vocal & CW Repeater ID
  •  Hangtime
  •  Automatic time of day announcement

IRLP node 1736 provides:
  •  IRLP & Echolink connectivity
  •  Voicemail system
  •  Signal check function
  •  On demand time of day announcement
  •  Pre-recorded club event announcement

IRLP node 1737 provides:
  •  IRLP connectivity
  •  Signal check function
  •  On demand time of day announcement

SARC Repeater system diagrams:

Configuration #1 (default, low traffic)

Configuration #2

May be used during times of high repeater traffic like club events, exercises, etc.

IRLP Usage (basic)

For new IRLP users, please refer to the IRLP Operating Guidelines:

The guidelines page explains how the system works, explains what reflectors are and how they work, and provides important instruction on how to use IRLP. All IRLP users should review the guidelines from time to time.

Initiate an IRLP connection:

Hold PTT, say your callsign, and dial the node or reflector number via DTMF keypad. Release PTT once 4-digit dialing sequence is complete.

End an IRLP connection:

Hold PTT and dial "73" via DTMF mic. Release PTT. Note: when disconnecting from a reflector, it is best not to identify before you dial "73." Wait until the link has dropped, then say your callsign so people locally here on the repeater know who disconnected the link. It can become annoying to those who monitor the reflector to hear your ID before you disconnect. A busy reflector will often have two of three nodes connect and disconnect per minute.

The IRLP network status page:
Use the status page to view nodes by country, see reflector usage, etc. Node lists can be printed for easy reference.

A second option for viewing reflector status and activity:

Echolink Usage (basic)

Our Echolink node number for VE7RSC-VHF: 496228
*NOTE:  As of August 2012, only node 1736 has Echolink capability. Echolink is not available via node 1737.

Initiate an Echolink connection:

Hold PTT, say your callsign, and dial the echolink node number preceded by an asterisk. Release PTT once dialing sequence is complete.
For example: PTT + *190638 will connect to echolink node number 190638. (VE7RHS repeater at UBC)

End an Echolink connection:

Hold PTT and dial "73" via DTMF mic. Release PTT.
Echolink status page:
For more echolink info:

IRLP NODE 1736 additional features:

To leave a message:
1. Hold PTT, dial "AAA" and release PTT.
2. The repeater will respond with a vocal prompt "Who is this message for?"
3. Hold PTT, say the callsign of the person you wish to leave a message for, release PTT (note: voicemail has a 5 second limit to receive this information).
4. The repeater will respond with a vocal prompt "Please start your message."   
5. Hold PTT and say your message. The message time limit is 60 seconds. Release PTT when finished.
6. The repeater will respond "Message complete, thank you."

To check for messages:
1. Hold PTT, dial "BBB"
2. The system will respond "There are no messages" if voicemail box is empty, or the system will respond "There are messages for: + "
If you wish to listen to the message, it is important to note the message number. If there is only one message in the voicemail box, you can assume that message will be message number 1.

To listen to a message:
1. Hold PTT, on your radio or mic keypad dial "AAx" where "x" is the message number. For example, to listen to message number 1, dial "AA1"
To delete a message:
1. Hold PTT, dial "BBx" where "x" is the message number. For example, to delete message number 1, dial "BB1" The repeater will respond "Message number deleted."
2. If there is more than one message in the message box, when message number one is deleted, message number two will move up to assume the position of message number one.
3. If you have listened to a message that was addressed to you, please delete it once you have finished with it.

To delete a message:
1. Hold PTT, dial "BBx" where "x" is the message number. For example, to delete message number 1, dial "BB1" The repeater will respond "Message number deleted."
2. If there is more than one message in the message box, when message number one is deleted, message number two will move up to assume the position of message number one.
3. If you have listened to a message that was addressed to you, please delete it once you have finished with it.

Other repeater functions:
Signal check:
The repeater can make a short recording of your audio and play it back to you to assist you in testing your radio.

To initiate a signal check:

1. Hold PTT, dial "A3", release PTT
2. The repeater will respond "RX Check ready."
3. Hold PTT, provide some test audio, release PTT.
4. Once you release PTT, the repeater will respond by playing back your last transmission. Give it a try, it's a handy feature. Some of us use it several times a day.

To initiate on demand time of day announcement:

1. Hold PTT, dial "C", release PTT.
2. The repeater will respond "The time is, XX:XX am/pm."

Quick reference summary:

  •  AAA leave a message
  •  BBB check for messages
  •  AAX plays message X
  •  BBX deletes message X
  •  A3 signal check
  •  C clock
  •  *69 Function: reads back the last inbound and outbound connections via IRLP along with times and node numbers.

Additional/misc info:

Embedded node install/diagnostic manual


VE7RSC Is On The Air!

High Above Downtown Surrey...

The day we have been anticipating for over 2 years has finally arrived.
Thanks to Steve Coleman VE7MAN and Dave Cameron VE7LTD, who put in most of the day installing our new repeaters, both 2m and 440 MHz including IRLP and Echolink are now working at Concord Pacific. Andy Lo of Surrey Fire, Kelvin Hall VA7KPH and John Brodie VA7XB “assisted”. 

What we now have is a first-class installation at the top of the 36 storey Concord Pacific high rise in Central Surrey.

The Sinclair antennas are pointed southeast but the pattern is roughly omni-directional, so we should see good propagation in all compass directions. 

So if you want to test the new 2m repeater, go to 147.360 MHz + with a tone of 110.9, and if you want to test 440 MHz, go to 443.775+ with a tone of 110.9.


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