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SARC's annual foxhunt 2013

SARC's annual foxhunt event was held on May 18th at Crescent Park in South Surrey. Rain threatened but, other than a few drops early on, it never materialized. Approximately 20 hunters, many from other clubs throughout the area, turned up for SARC's Annual Event at Crescent Park The skill level of the crowd was mixed, comprised of a few very experienced RDFers plus the once-a-year dabblers and some first-timers The results reflected the experience level as only a couple of participants were able to find all primary 5 foxes plus the low-power micro-foxes within the allotted 1.5 hours. Others found one to three foxes. As usual a wide variety of equipment was used to hunt the quarry. A few SARC members put to use their newly-constructed loop antennas but found them to be disappointing performers, as the directionality was ambiguous. During the testing period before the hunt commenced, some loopers abandoned their experimental antennas and reverted to the familiar and reliable tape measure beams.
Event winners were:

1st: Les Tocko VA7OM
2nd: Mike Zavarukhin VE7ACN
3rd: Lou Beaubien VE7CGE
Most Improved: Anton James VE7SSD

From Top to bottom: Les, Mike, Lou 

Anton (center) recieved the prize from Amel (right) 

Anton Presented the 1st prize to Les 

The three happy winners 

The foxhunt was followed by a tasty barbeque and picnic giving all a chance to socialize and enjoy the park setting while joined by other family members. Our sincere thanks go out to Anton VE7SSD for organizing the event, Amel VA7KBA for setting up the foxes and his RDF expertise in working with Anton, Nicole VE7PET and Arthur VE7SIE for the cooking duties and Hiu Yee VE7YXG as official event photographer.

From left to right: Amel, Arthur, Nicole

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