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SARC FoxHunt 2017

The annual SARC Fox Huntwas held on May 20th in Crescent Park in South Surrey. SARC members and Hams from Burnaby and North Shore clubs supported the event; 31 Hams and a few spouses participated. The event is certainly growing in popularity as these attendance numbers will attest. It was a brilliantly sunny dry day and with great enthusiasm as the groups were dispatched in 5 minute intervals . Much fun was had by all.

There were five 2 watt VHF 2m transmitters (foxes) and five 80m foxes hidden throughout the park, and participants were allocated two and a
half hours to find them. Entrants were grouped into either novice or Expertgroups. This allowed for four groups, a novice and expert 2m, and a novice and expert 80m. There was no one registered for the expert 2m group.

The second half of the event was the informal BBQ, providing an opportunity to engage in adventure stories, exchange lessons learned and enjoy warm camaraderie and recreation over a burger and hot dog.
Recognition and greatest of thanks goes to Les Tocko VA7OM , and Jan Voslenik VA7VJ who handled all the set up and the technical aspects of the foxes”. Much appreciation to Brenda (XYL of Anton VE7SSD) for putting on the BBQ. Special mention is made of Amel VA7KBA of BC Radio sport, unable to attend through a conflict in schedule. His support throughout the year is acknowledged.

The results:

Advanced 80m group 1st place, Jan Voslenik VA7VJ, 5 foxes in 55 minutes.
2nd place, Henry VE7HRY and Jeanne VA7QD, 5 foxes 80 minutes.

Novice 80m group 1st place, Paula and Peter Suckling VE7PSP, 5 foxes 79 minutes;
2nd place Mary VE7EIE, 5 foxes in 80 minutes; and
3rd place Lawrence VA7EDU, 5 foxes in 87 minutes.

Novice 2m group 1st place Steve VE7FM and Karen Draper VA7KD, 4 foxes in 135 minutes.

An informal prize” ceremony, bragging rights, and the crystal fox trophy, was awarded to the winner Jan VA7VJ, and the stuffed musical bunny was awarded to Steve and Karen Draper.

Mark your calendars, approximately same time next year on May 19, 2018, and we look forward to another annual SARC FoxHunt.

~ Anton VE7SSD,
SARC Fox-Hunt Coordinator 

More photos at:

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