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SEPAR Weekly News

The Surrey Emergency Program Needs YOU!

Many people have said that they want SEPAR to continue to exist, and be successful. If the majority of members truly feel that way, then we need people to step up when we put on an event. There are 3 events coming up over the next couple months. All SEPAR members that are free on those days should be able to at least give SEPAR a little bit of their time. Your executive works to arrange events that are interesting. Your part is to come out. If you want to see us do something that interests you, that we are not doing, then tell us. Also, please show your commitment to SEPAR by checking into the weekly Net. It would be nice to hear from you.

Upcoming SEPAR Events

Saturday, August 26th 11:00 - 14:00 hrs will be SEPAR/RAC Day at the Surrey Amateur Radio Operational Training Centre. John-VE7TI has arranged for us to use the VE7RAC callsign for the day and there will be a couple HF stations set up for members to practice their HF skills. The Trailer will also be onsite and operational. Please join us. This is an event with other SEPAR members, and no public, so it should be a good time to socialize around the radios.

Sunday, September 10th is CN Day 11:00 - 16:00hrs. Please plan on helping out with our display there. Remember, there is always good (and free) food at this event. The location is at the CN Rail Yard at 117th Avenue and 138th Street, in Surrey [Map Link].

Saturday October 21st we will be helping Scouts during their JOTA (Jamboree On The Air). This event was held last year at the OTC. and will be again this year. It will run from 10:00hrs to 16:00hrs.  Here is a link about JOTA.


Surrey Amateur Radio is offering training and licensing for the Basic Amateur Radio Course. The course starts Tuesday September 5th, 2017 and information can be found on the Surrey Amateur Radio Club website.  

Weekly SEPAR Nets

Every Tuesday evening at 1930 hrs (7:30pm PDT) we start a ½ hour NET on a local repeater provided by the Surrey Amateur Radio Club (SARC) on 147.360 MHz +600kHz and a tone of 110.9. There may be a simplex test or a test NTS message transmitted during the NET at the Net controllers discretion. This is an excellent opportunity to practice sending and receiving this form of messaging. Besides, it adds a little spice to the regular check-ins on the net. Please join us. NTS Radiograms can be found on the SEPAR website here, or, if you would like a fillable PDF that you can enter on your computer, you can get it from here.

Thursday nights at 19:30 hours, This Net has changed! We are no longer doing a regular 2 meter simplex Net on this night. Any plans for Thursday night will be announced on the Tuesday before. This night will now be used for optional tests. For example NTS Digital exchanges, 6 meter, 2 meter 60 cm and 220 Nets. If someone wants to do a particular net on a Thursday, then please announce it on the Tuesday before.

Earthquake data for this week:

Last weeks eathquakes: Earthquakes last week
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