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Can we do more to preserve our hobby?

Amateur Radio has spectrum, a lot of it. We have frequencies from the low bands into the gigaHertz. The demands for commercial use are very great... and persistent. Frequency auctions often generate millions of dollars for government. 

I can't help but wonder if the current low use of some of our bands, particularly on VHF and 70cm will yield to pressure from commercial interests and be reduced to a smaller range of frequencies. There have been a number of articles written that wonder about the future of the hobby and our ability to draw in young Amateurs.

I believe that every Amateur has a responsibility to 'give back' to the community for the privilege of access to our spectrumI'm also a strong believer in exposing our hobby to the public - particularly the work Amateurs do in emergency response. Public demonstrations, science fairs, library and school visits have been well attended and receive favourable response locally.   'Spreading the word" will serve us well to gain public support when commercial interests come knocking.

~ John VE7TI 

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