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The November - December 2021 SARC Communicator


Over 120 Pages Of Projects, News, Views and Reviews

Closing out 2021, The Communicator digital periodical of Surrey Amateur Radio Communications is now available for viewing or download at

Read in 139 countries now, we bring you Amateur Radio news from the South West corner of Canada and elsewhere. You will find Amateur Radio related articles, projects, profiles, news, tips and how-to's. You can view or download it as a .PDF file from:  

Previous Communicator issues are at

As always, thank you to our contributors, and your feedback is always welcome. 

The deadline for the next edition is December 20th.

If you have news or events from your club or photos, stories, projects or other items of interest from BC or elsewhere, please email them to

Keep visiting our site for regular updates and news:    


John VE7TI

'The Communicator' Editor


Another Amateur Radio Contribution!

...said that it will revolutionize communications 

In a radical new development, Horace Blink MY2EAR has developed a new multi-band transceiver that can tune both upper and lower sidebands simultaneously. 

Horace is shown in a local park demonstrating the device and the 360 degree rotatable platform on which it is built. He told ‘The Communicator’ that the next step before large scale production is finding a method to use it indoors as he has experienced numbness in his extremities during foul weather use.




The Planning for MANNA@80 Continues...

Planning for the special event stations commemorating the life-saving food drops to NW Netherlands near the end of World War II is now in fu...

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