Yes, we're susceptible to malware with all these new connected gadgets!
At our February 2020 general meeting we had a guest speaker who is an internationally regarded expert on Internet security. For the past 20+ years, Hardeep Mehrotara has worked for the military, law enforcement and news organizations. He has co-
authored several books on critical controls and security benchmarks, and has participated in hacking operations to test system security. Best of all, he is also a Ham operator as VA7HKM.
The discussion points from the presentation covered
- What is cyber security?
- Importance of cyber security in amateur radio
- evolving cyber security threats
- practice basic cyber hygiene
Cyber security refers to combination of people, process and technology designed to protect inter-connected networks (e.g. Internet), devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or inappropriate or unauthorized access.
Cybersecurity consists of three key pillars:
Importance of cyber security in amateur radio
- Denial of service on ham radio networks.
- Hacking of Software defined radios.
- Malicious control of remote devices.
- Impact on Internet-Of-Things (IoT) devices.
Threat actors
Evolving cyber threats include
- Phishing
- Third party email compromises
- Ransomware
- IoT based attacks
Phishing and Third party compromised email. ARRL warned about this to their members with an forwarding address
Also a real threat and you should keep a separate backup as a precaution.
Practicing basic cyber hygiene
- AVOID OLDER OPERATING SYSTEMS! For example, Windows 7 is no longer supported.
- ALL operating systems are at risk, including Mac and Linux
- Install a reputable anti-virus and firewall
- Patch your systems regularly
- Use strong passwords and do not re-use passwords
- Use multi-factor authentication where possible
- Encrypt your sensitive information
- Backup your information
- Be cautious when you click on links on websites, emails, social media
Cyber Threat Predictions
As technology progresses, so will the threat.See Hardeep on a news presentation on cyber security threats
The slides of Hardeep's presentation are at:
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