Older technology still works...
August 2017
Recent talk about how to test traps on a multi-band antenna got me thinking about the venerable “grid dip meter”. After a VOM and antenna analyzer, a dip meter is one of the most useful instruments you might think of acquiring for your ham shack, especially if you like to experiment and trouble-shoot.

Only problem is that these instruments are not, by nature, very accurate so the exercise can often lead you in the right direction but may not be sufficiently precise for your needs. This was my situation circa 1972 when I was constructing a 5-band single conversion HF receiver as part of my aspiration to have a 100% home brew station (I never actually got there) but I had no way of aligning it. In fact, the receiver appeared to work but I couldn’t hear any signals where they were supposed to be. The receiver had a 9 MHz IF and utilized a 9 MHz SSB crystal SSB filter, which was somewhat of a departure from the conventional design in those days. In order to tune the amateur bands, the 5-5.5 MHz signal from the VFO was mixed with a band switched crystal controlled oscillator to create the 9 MHz IF.

After the receiver, I went on to construct an electronic CW keyer, then a 2-band 20/80 m transmitter using the same fundamental concepts as the receiver but, alas, this last project was never completed. By the mid 1970’s it was apparent that tube gear was on the way out, so I abandoned the projects and the parts fill my junk box. Nowadays, calibrating the grid dip meter would be done a different way… just listen for the oscillator signal on your receiver to determine its frequency. But the usefulness of a dip meter has not changed. It will tell you the resonant frequency of an L-C circuit and, if the L value is known, it will tell you what the C value is (or vice versa) by simple formula which relates the 3 variables in the formula below.
~John VA7XB
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